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Become the Best Salesperson You Can Be
How to get people to buy from a salesperson - it isn't a secret or magic. It is hard work, and requires determination and a sense of respect for both yourself and the customer.
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Dress to look your best. If you look like a slob, nobody will want to buy or go near you. If you look like you respect yourself, others will respect you too. It doesn't matter what you are selling, aim to always look smart and like you care and intend to move up the ranks.
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Be authentic. If you act fake, people will pick up on it and be turned off. Genuinely care about people and their wants and you will be better placed to service their needs.
Be conscious of the way you are acting. Don't be too loud, too over-bearing, yet don't be too aloof. Use the techniques of public speaking to assist you, and remember that you are always setting a good example to others in your industry.
Be friendly. Don't wait for a customer to approach you. Go and greet your customer, and offer to help find whatever s/he is looking for.
Show confidence. People will trust you more if you are confident in both yourself and what you are selling. Show a clear preference for one item over another, if two similar items are being considered. Studies show that when the salesperson identifies a product as superior to other similar products, the customer will purchase that product more often. If you have no preference for one over the other, try to figure out which one the customer likes better, and show preference for that one. It's all about making the customer comfortable and confident in the purchase.
Be knowledgeable about your merchandise. Know what you're selling, inside and out. Know what products or merchandise you have that relates to others. In this way, you will be able to increase your sales by recommending related items.
Go with your customer. How many times have you seen a customer come up to a salesperson, ask where to find an item, and seen the salesperson say, "Ummm, that's in Aisle 12." He points and the customer is left to go search again, after he or she has already tried and been frustrated. Don't do this. Put down what you are doing, and go with the customer until you find the item asked for. In fact, stay with that customer as long as he or she seems interested in chatting with you.
Find out the real reason why someone wants to buy a product. This is a fancy way of saying "Talk to the customer." There are underlying reasons and motivations why people buy. Find out by asking and giving them room to think through the options, including any drawbacks. Talking with customers in a friendly, knowledgeable way will reinforce their image of you as the expert in this line of merchandise, and will make them more confident of purchases they make from you.
Like your job. In fact, be passionate about it. People tend to work better when they like and love what they're doing. If you hate your job, you won't do as well at it; if this continues, you are in need of changing career tracks.
Close the sale. Don't just drag around with the customers, know when to close the deal and ring them up. This is a fine line to walk: on one hand, the longer a customer stays in the store - up to a point - the more s/he will buy. On the other hand, a customer laden with items and wandering aimlessly may reconsider some of those purchases as they become heavier and harder to carry. Watch closely and as soon as you sense the corner being turned, escort the customer to the cash register, and finish the sale.
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